
Lab member names are bolded

Wu, CC, JM O’Keefe, Y Ding, WC Sullivan. Biodiversity of urban green spaces and human health: a systematic review of recent research. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 

Smith, KT, R Rabenstein, JM O’Keefe. Was Paleolake Messel a death-trap? Insight from modern bat drownings and decay experiments. Paleobiodiversity and Paleoenvironments. 

Goodwin, KR, L Hunninck, JM O’Keefe, A Kirschbaum, EH Gillam, C Heyd, MC Romanski, WT Route, SK Windels. Comparing occupancy and activity metrics for assessing temporal trends in vulnerable bat populations. Biological Conservation. 


Coleman, JL, N Randhawa, J Chun-Chia Huang, T Kingston, B P Y-H Lee, JM O’Keefe, AL Rutrough, VD Thong, SM Tsang, and CR Shepherd. Dying for decor: quantifying the online, ornamental trade in a distinctive bat species, Kerivoula picta. European Journal of Wildlife Research.

Krueger SK, SC Williams, JM O’Keefe, GA Zirkle, and CG Haase. White-nose syndrome, winter duration, and pre-hibernation climate impact abundance of reproductive female bats. PLoS One.

Hoggatt ML, CA Starbuck, and JM O’Keefe. Acoustic monitoring yields informative bat population density estimates. Ecology and Evolution.

Beilke EA, JF Sanchez, DK Hews, and JM O’Keefe. Sexual dichromatism in the fur of a bat: an exploration of color differences and potential signaling functions. Ecology and Evolution.

Crawford RD and JM O’Keefe. Improving the science and practice of using artificial roosts for bats. Conservation Biology.


Starbuck CA, L DeSchepper, ML Hoggatt, and JM O’Keefe. Tradeoffs in sound quality and cost for passive acoustic devices. Bioacoustics.

Alston J, Keinath D, Willis C, Lausen C, O’Keefe J, Tyburec J, Broders H, Moosman P, Carter T, Chambers C, Gillam E, Geluso K, Weller T, Burles D, Fletcher Q, Norquay K, Goheen J. Environmental drivers of body size in North American bats. Functional Ecology.

Beilke EA and JM O’Keefe. Bats reduce insect density and defoliation in temperate forests: an exclusion experiment. Ecology. Featured on NPR’s Here and Now on 7 November 2022.

Beilke EA, GS Haulton, and JM O’Keefe. Foliage-roosting eastern red bats select for features associated with management in a central hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management.


Hunninck L, K Coleman, M Boman, and JM O’Keefe. Far from home: bat activity and diversity in row crop agriculture decreases with distance to potential roost habitat. Global Ecology and Conservation.

Rojas VG, SC Loeb, and JM O’Keefe. Applying mobile acoustic surveys to model bat occupancy across sinuous routes. Wildlife Society Bulletin.

Divoll TJ, VA Brown, GC McCracken, and JM O’Keefe. Prey size is more representative than prey taxa when measuring dietary overlap in sympatric forest bats. Environmental DNA.

Khalighifar A, B Gotthold, E Adams, J Barnett, L Beard, E Britzke, P Burger, K Chase, Z Cordes, P Cryan, E Ferrall, C Fill, S Gibson, GS Haulton, K Irvine; L Katz; W Kendall; C Long; O Mac Aodha; T McBurney; S McCarthy; M McKown; JM O’Keefe; L Patterson; K Pitcher; M Rustand; J Segers; K Seppanen; J Siemers; C Stratton; B Straw; T Weller; B Reichert. NABat ML: Utilizing deep learning to enable crowdsourced development of automated, scalable solutions for documenting North American bat populations. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Crawford RD, LE Dodd, FE Tillman, and JM O’Keefe. Evaluating bat boxes: design and placement alter bioenergetic cost and overheating risk. Conservation Physiology.

Bakken G, FE Tillman, and JM O’Keefe. Methods for assessing artificial thermal refuges: spatiotemporal analysis more informative than averages. Journal of Thermal Biology.

Divoll TJ, SP Aldrich, GS Haulton, and JM O’Keefe. Endangered Myotis bats forage in regeneration openings in a managed forest. Forest Ecology and Management.


Tillman FE, GS Bakken, and JM O’Keefe. Design modifications affect bat box temperatures and suitability as maternity habitat. Ecological Solutions and Evidence.

Beilke EA, RV Blakey, and JM O’Keefe. Bats partition activity in space and time in a large, heterogeneous landscape. Ecology and Evolution.

Crawford RD and JM O’Keefe. Avoiding a conservation pitfall: Considering the risks of unsuitably hot bat boxes. Conservation Science and Practice.


Samoray ST, SN Patterson, JA Weber, and JM O’Keefe. During migration periods, gray bats (Myotis grisescens) use trees as day roosts in North Carolina and Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist.

Bergeson SM, J Holmes, and JM O’Keefe. Indiana bat roosting behavior differs between urban and rural landscapes. Urban Ecosystems, 23:79–91.


O’Keefe JM, JL Pettit, SC Loeb, W Stiver. White-nose syndrome dramatically altered the summer bat assemblage in a temperate Southern Appalachian forest. Mammalian Biology, 98:146–153.


Hoeh JPS, JM O’Keefe, GS Bakken, and WA Mitchell. In artificial roost comparison, bats show preference for rocket box style. PLoS One.

Arndt RJ, JM O’Keefe, WA Mitchell, JB Holmes, and SL Lima. Do predators influence the behavior of temperate-zone bats? An analysis of competing models of roost emergence times. Animal Behavior.

Bergeson SM, JM O’Keefe, and GS Haulton. Managed forests provide roosting opportunities for Indiana bats in south-central Indiana. Forest Ecology and Management.

Divoll TJ, V Brown, J Kinne, G McCracken, and JM O’Keefe. Comparing DNA metabarcoding results with replicable methods highlights second-generation workflow biases. Molecular Ecology Resources.


Pettit JL and JM O’Keefe. Impacts of white-nose syndrome on a bat community near the Indianapolis Airport, Indiana. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.


Ruch D.G. et al. (JM O’Keefe is 1 of 14 co-authors contributing equally). Results of the 2015 Hills of Gold Biodiversity Survey, Johnson County, Indiana. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science.


Clement MJ, JM O’Keefe, and BL Walters. N-mixture models for estimating abundance of over-dispersed unmarked animals. Ecosphere.


Loeb SC and JM O’Keefe. Indiana bats, northern long-eared bats, and prescribed fire in the Appalachians: challenges and considerations. Proceedings, Wildland Fire in the Appalachians: discussions among managers and scientists. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-199. Asheville, NC, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station.

O’Keefe JM, SC Loeb, HJ Hill, Jr., and JD Lanham. Quantifying clutter: a comparison of four methods and their relationship to bat detection. Forest Ecology and Management.


O’Keefe JM, SC Loeb, PD Gerard, and JD Lanham. Effects of riparian buffer width on activity and detection of common bats in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Wildlife Society Bulletin.

Lima SL and JM O’Keefe. Do predators influence the behavior of bats? Biological Reviews.


Loeb SC and JM O’Keefe. Bats and gaps: the role of early successional patches in the roosting and foraging ecology of bats. Chapter in Sustaining young forest communities: ecology and management of early successional habitats in the central hardwood region, USA, Springer Press.

Whitaker JO, Jr. and JM O’Keefe. Managing forest habitat for bats. Appendix 2 in Vories, K.C., Caswell, A. K., and Price, T. M., eds. Proceedings of Protecting Threatened Bats at Coal Mines: A Technical Interactive Forum.





Gumbert MW, JM O’Keefe, JR MacGregor. Roost site fidelity by Indiana bats in Kentucky. Pg. 143–152 in Proceedings of the Symposium on the Indiana Bat: Biology and Management of an Endangered Species (A. Kurta & J. Kennedy, eds.). Bat Conservation International, Austin, TX.